Three Best Reads – For Christmas.
Many of those involved in running businesses – or advising them – are going to be viewing 2024 with some apprehension. For the business. But mainly for themselves.
Since Covid – and maybe starting before – many of those operating at senior levels – now think differently, behave differently and have different aspirations. Working Free contends that Independent Working will soon represent about half the working population (now about 33m.)
The ever-lengthening Christmas break is, for many, a great time to sit quietly in a corner and review your own aspirations. A personal and professional gear-change from Dependency to Independency is worth thinking about.
To start to find out what you need to know, try these Best Reads:-
The Start-Up of YOU by Reid Hoffman.
Self Help by Samuel Smiles. 1859.
Lateral Thinking for Every Day by Paul Sloane.
You can find out more about Reid Hoffman (Co-Founder of LinkedIn, now owned by Microsoft and very active in Private Equity and AI at www.Google.com .) Samuel Smiles wrote the best book ever about how the Individual can succeed in business. The much maligned British Empire would not have been the same without his writings. Still hugely relevant. (More Info at workingfree.co.uk/echoes-samuel-smiles-1812-1904/ ) Personal Creativity and Innovation will, from now on, make THE edge in any organisation. You can read what Paul Sloane thinks about it here – workingfree.co.uk/innovation/
WorkingFree supports the Senior Executive considering or embarking on a new career as an independent professional. We work with Individuals directly and with Organisations as part of restructuring, redundancy, outplacement, career development or other mid-career transitioning arrangements and where independent working at senior levels is seen as an attractive way forward. Contact Charles.russam@workingFree.com for more info. www.WorkingFree.co.uk .