Senior Executive Learning
The focus – and distinctive feature – of Working Free comes into play when a Senior Executive takes stock of where they have reached in their working life. Even if there is no hungry purpose to make any sort of directional change, it has to be sensible to explore the options – assuming you can discover what the options are. Working Free supports the Senior Executive transitioning from corporate payroll to independent working.
Working Free offers this opportunity.
The more enlightened organisations are increasingly encouraging this mutual introspective process and making it, in many cases, a shared experience with their senior executives. Certainly, learning anything new is more challenging at any stage other than at the beginning of a working life.
Working Free responds to this primarily through our differing Delivery Formats which have been designed to accommodate differing learning patterns. Have a look at Working Free Delivery Formats.
Senior Executives may react to the messages coming from the work we are doing at Working Free with various emotions – including the feeling that, as senior Professionals, they know all this…… been there……done that …………..
Our view is that the change from senior FTE roles to independent working is a major one – and for many, a pivotal life-time change. In all sorts of ways. But you need to be aware of these – often hidden and/or implied – and work out how to handle them.
All our Online MasterClasses and help files are listed on the left of your screen whenever you pay for an online masterclass – or someone else does it on your behalf. Titles and links appear on the left of the your of screen.
You can access these whenever you choose with the same password that you were issued with and for the duration of the contract period. Access means reading the slides and supporting notes and or listening to the voiceover. On top of this is the one-on-one time you spend with your Working Free Specialist Delivery Partner.
You can plot your own progress and plan your own programme using the left-hand side of this webpage.
Working Free can help, but, simply, you have to plan your own senior executive learning. It’s your business; it’s your money; it’s your life.
What you need to get right are all the decisions relating to:
- What do you have to learn to prepare yourself effectively for this next phase in your career?
- What is the best way of learning it?
- What is the best order in which it should be learned?
- How do you most effectively absorb, retain, practice and deliver the information and learnings?
In creating the Working Free programme, Working Free has sought to cover all these points, material and research and our own research. We haves sounded many expert sources and many senior executives who have trod this path before – and seen it work for themselves. We have built it into the development of our Working Free Programme.
This is a continuous process and is reflected in the way in which we are continuously developing and updating our overall offering to our clients.
As an interesting analogy, it may be worth remembering that decades-old Eric Morecambe quote when Andre Previn had him playing the grand piano alongside his orchestra – and was not at all happy with the quality of Eric Morecombe’s performance of Greig’s Piano Concerto – and told him so –
“But you’re playing all the wrong notes……..”
………………to which Eric Morecambe replied:-
“I am playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order.”
Let Working Free help you play your notes in the right order!