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Our Clients – Employment Law Firms

Working Free supports the Senior Executive considering or embarking on a new career as an independent professional. We work with Individuals directly and with Organisations as part of restructuring, redundancy, outplacement, career development or other mid-career transitioning arrangements and where independent working at senior levels is seen as an attractive way forward.

Within the Corporates sector of the market, Working Free has a specialist interest in working with Employment Law Firms. 

Working Free seeks to add specialist, innovative and new value to the overall process of multiple interactions between lawyers and their clients – whether these be Organisations or Individuals.

As well as advising their clients – Individuals and Organisations – on the legal considerations and actions to be taken – particularly about Exits – they all have other needs to address.

  • Individuals need to work out what to do next in terms of careers, work and, in many cases, money.

Working Free can advise – specifically where transitioning from permanent employment to creating a career as an Independent Professional is concerned.

  • Organisations are different.

Increasingly, there is residual value – sometimes fairly significant – in many of their relationships with “good leavers”.  Working Free can help preserve and enhance these relationships for mutual benefit.

“Better Comes Next” is our collaborative and inclusive management mission.

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