Section 2: About
About Working Free and How to Use This Website
Technical Topics – LIVE
Technical Topics – Under Construction
- Bibliography – statistics, information, opinions, other sources of reference and miscellania
- Business Angel work
- CharityTrustee work
- Charity work
- Corp Finance –Structuring the deal and Due Diligence
- Crowdfunding, EIS, etc
- Government Help
- Insurance
- Marketing
- Mentoring & Coaching (being Mentored/ Coached and doing it)
- Personal Financial Management
- Project Management
- Psychometric Assessment and feedback
- Raising Money (As a Principal)
- Social Media
Technical Topics, possibilities & suggestions welcome
This Working Free website is based on “The Self Drive Worker” concept.
It makes the case that about half the UK’s working population of about 32m are full-time employees on a payroll – implying that the rest are something different. Understanding and challenging the WFL interpretation of the ONS figures supporting this concept (See Section 4 – The Self Drive Worker”) may lead you to see this proportion as different – but it will not change the underlying principles. The core principle is that Individuals are becoming increasingly responsible for themselves in work, career and professional terms.
How Things Fit Together
Section 1 – Home Page
- Setting the scene
- The Working Free philosophy and mission
- The people involved
Section 2 – About Working Free
- How to get the best value from the Working Free website and supporting services
Section 3 – Career Choices
- Insights and exercises relevant to you and your ‘What Next’ career decision
- Making best-fit decisions about lifestyle and career requires thinking through – Working Free provides a transitions route map to help you to assess yourself and your needs in a practical and systematic way
Section 4 – Self Drive Worker
- The concept and landscape of what is going on in the world of work
- The market niches that Independents are now working in
Section 5 – Self Employment
- Insights and exercises relevant to setting yourself up as a self-employed Independent
- A route map to enable you to pull your thinking together and to personalise to your own particular circumstances
- Practical tips to help you to start-up and to manage your Independent business successfully
Section 6 – Technical Topics
- The WFL website – – will achieve the objectives of its readers by creating a structured bulk of relevant information, mostly by linking to third party material but also by inviting readers to contribute material to their chosen section which they deem helpful to others. (Subject to editorial control from WFL.)
- Each Technical Topic will be a separate, but identical web page able to expand as the material grows. The initial material for each Technical Topic will be Working Free Editorial but, thereafter, will mainly be material from Readers, who we refer to as Technical Topics Contributors. You might be one of these. Pooling information and experiences for collective benefit is a great way of learning – particularly in the absence of formal peer group structures.
- Technical Topics Contributors write their material in the space provided under each topic which will be seen only by them at that stage and which is then emailed together with their full contact details to the WFL Editorial office who will decide which material is then posted to which sections – including the Contributors contact details, except in certain circumstances. The WFL Editorial office will make what amendments they think relevant, secure the approval of the Contributor and then input the contributed copy to the website. If the Contributor is not happy with this, the material will not be adopted.
- The process of managing each Technical Topic will be chaired by a professional Technical Topic Partner – to whom you may refer for help or advice. If this turns out to be more than a brief conversation, you may wish to engage them on a formal basis.