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Barry Gamble

Barry is a Chartered Accountant and an experienced Chairman and Non Executive Director in the publicly quoted, private and charitable sectors.  He has extensive experience as Chair of Audit Committees. Member Remuneration and Nominations Committees.

He is an extensive writer, commentator, workshop facilitator and chairman primarily on the challenges of best board practice and the responsibilities of directors. He is a former Editor at Large of BoardRoom magazine.

Chairman of the NED City Debates exploring aspects of corporate governance and the role of the progressive Non Executive Director. Adopting the debate format recognises a parallel to the boardroom with careful listening, respect for the opposing view and an atmosphere of constructive challenge to allow insights to fully develop and the exploration of alternatives to promote good  good decision making.

For some time, he has had good working and project  relationships with a wide range of NED specialist organisations, including BoardEx, Non Executive Directors Association (NEDA) , Quoted Companies Alliance,(QCA)  Gartner NED development program, ICAEW, AWCS, Brainloop / Diligent and periodic missives in the Financial Times.

His previous executive experience has been as a partner in a professional services firm, board responsibility for marketing, finance and as managing director / chief executive officer (MD / CEO)

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