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D’Arcy Myers runs his own Consultancy Practice – www.Consultdarcy.co.uk – specialising in governance and trustee development in the Charity Sector. He is a highly experienced Third Sector specialist, operating at senior levels with Boards, Chief Executives, and senior managers. With twelve years of hands-on experience as a charity CEO, he has led a number of charities through change and development. He specialises in working with Boards and leadership teams often as an interim CEO to promote a productive governance culture and provide an essential understanding of financial management as key tools in delivering the changes that organisations need. D’Arcy has a wide knowledge of and experience in effective strategic development and change processes and excels in strategy and leadership development, mentoring, performance improvement, evaluation, significant organisational change and development. He is motivated by being able to unlock the potential of people and organisations so they can have a bigger social impact. You can read more about D’Arcy Myers here – www.consultdarcy.co.uk/about/recomendations/

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