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Our Product Offering

Working Free supports the Senior Executive considering or embarking on a new career as an independent professional.

We work with Individuals directly and with Organisations as part of restructuring, redundancy, outplacement, career development or other mid-career transitioning arrangements and where independent working at senior levels is seen as an attractive way forward. We also work with established Independents in a refresher/ CPD capacity.

MasterClass Categories

  • Discovery Suite

  • Career Options

  • Support Topics

  • Other

MasterClasses are about 30 to 60 minutes each; are slide-based with voiceovers and with Supporting Notes and product-savvy one on one support from our Specialist Delivery Partners.

Discovery Suite.

Introducing Working Free, consisting of three MasterClasses following our current format – Overview and Definitions; Developing and Delivering your Personal Professional Product (PPP) and How to Win Work.

Career Options

The three MasterClass format for five Career Options – Charities & Trustees; Coaching & Mentoring; Interim Management; Non Executive Directors; Turnarounds.

Support Topics

Generally, one MasterClass for five Topics – Networking, Pricing; Sales & Marketing & Social Media(bundled as one extended MasterClass.)


Accounting &Tax; Innovation and Creativity; Networking Workshop.(Collaborating with external Partners.)

We can deliver Online or OnDemand and also, by arrangement, live Onsite.

We offer additional bespoke Follow-On Groups for Clients who ask for them.  Where our Clients have no similar function, we also invite all those who have attended our Programme to join our Working Free Strategy Groups – an expanding and valuable working, thinking – and alumni – Group.

Our core driving belief ………………….is that the UK’s working population of about – now33m is heading towards parity between purely FTEs (Full Time Employed) and the rest who we describe as Self Drive Workers. Whatever anyone thinks – or calculates different figures – it is difficult to ignore this major structural change.

“Better comes Next” is our collaborative and inclusive Management Mission

 Working Free Ltd 08081 565604 – 07785 297059.  Contact – charles.russam@WorkingFree.co.uk   Working Free Limited is a company registered in England and Wales. Regd number: 08963376.  Regd Office: 45 Pall Mall, London.  SW1Y 5JG.   www.WorkingFree.co.uk.  (WFL –5.6.24)

“Better Comes Next” is our collaborative and inclusive management mission.

2024 Working Free Limited · Call us on 08081 565604 · Message Us Equality & Diversity Policy | Data Protection and Privacy Policy Statement | Terms of Business

Working Free Ltd cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or disadvantage that may arise out of reliance on any opinions, material or introductions made through this website and all those making use of these services should take appropriate business and legal advice and conduct appropriate due diligence before making any commitments.

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