Networking – Building Your Professional Network
At Working Free, we have our own way of understanding, interpreting and actioning Networking.
Many think that Networking is about standing in a crowded room with a glass of wine in hand hoping to pick up some work. Maybe it is. In fact, part of it is. But Working Free thinks that true effective Networking is something much bigger and a major and vital part of our everyday life. Very often, we network effectively – and it never occurs to us that we are networking.
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main……..” from John Donne – (1572-1631) – also from the same sermon was…. “no-one is self-sufficient: everyone relies on others“.
(what came after that is remembered better “………any man’s death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind. Any therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”
This fundamental truth – articulated on the early 1600s – is evidenced so often in so much that happens today of any merit. It was – then – and is now – Networking. We also refer to this as “Collaboration.”
Here is the Working Free total offering on Networking:-
This MasterClass starts by taking an overall view of Networking, leaving specifics to be covered by our other MasterClasses and Workshops. We look at the various Definitions that are available – important as context for the specific activities in which you’ll be getting involved – enabling you to work out from a broad spectrum what will actually work for you. We look at some networking activities that look nothing like Networking – what the trends are and what we can see in the future. And we look at practical steps for your Back Office which will enable you to keep on top of those you want to keep on top of! This MasterClass lasts about one hour followed by personal discussion with out Specialist Delivery Partner.
We are delighted to welcome Judith Perle as our Specialist Delivery Partner. Judith co- authored – alongside Tony Newton – one of the original books on Networking,. It’s a classic. “The Network Effect” is a key contribution to Networking. The fundamentals never change. But many things around it change.
This online Workshop lasts for about 60 minutes followed by personal discussion with Judith Perle.
PS: Judith says that Face-to-Face really ought to be done Face-to-Face. Quite right, we say! So, this is what we have organised with Judith. Please see – The Onsite/ LIVE Networking Workshop (Two Hours) from our Guest Contributor.
You may well have read this – about Judith Perle’s One hour Workshop :-
Judith says that Face-to-Face really ought to be done Face-to-Face. Quite right, we say! So, this is what we have organised with Judith. Please see – The Onsite/ LIVE Networking Workshop (Two Hours) from our Guest Contributor.
Here is a small group LIVE session learning more about the material we covered in her One Hour online Workshop – and more. Importantly, here is an opportunity to practice, discuss. challenge, question, learn from others in the Group – and gain confidence.