WorkingFree is a specialist career advisory business supporting organisations and their senior Director-level executives coming off the permanent payroll into an independent working lifestyle.
Six Reasons to talk with us
- Working Free offers an additional, different and new supplementary support to traditional outplacement services.
- Those leaving under restructuring programmes don’t all want to find roles mirroring the one they’ve just left.
- Enhancing your corporate CSR and – now – your ESG Programmes
- Good leavers are worth keeping in touch with
- Retain Important Access to Skills, Experience and Energies
- Re-engage Former Employees on a Freelance Basis
Our Pathfinder Programme consists of an expanding range of one-hour MasterClasses:-
- Three Discovery Suite MasterClasses set the scene for becoming and being Independent,.
- Five (currently) Independent Career Options explore the main choices.
- Five (currently) Support Topics focus on the specific skills needed to build a successful Practice.
………. and also:-
- One hour is very often not enough. We offer additional bespoke MasterClasses for those who ask for them …………………..
- ….. and also join our Working Free Alumni Groups.
- All this is glued together by the Working Free online Learning System. Delegates can listen to the Powerpoint Presentation, listen to the Specialist commentary from the Delivery Partner – and then spend private time online delving onto the detail – as much and as often as agreed.
Our core belief is that the UK’s working population of about 32mn is heading towards parity between purely FTEs and nothing else) and the rest which we describe as Self Drive Workers.
Whatever anyone thinks, it is difficult to ignore:-
Covid, Tech, ESG and Brexit have all combined in having a dramatic impact on the ways we work – and lead our working and provarev lives. Much of this continues to unfold – and looks likely to continue for some time.
Virtually instantaneous communications – in many forms; a resetting of the Employer/Employee relationship; a rethinking of the work/life balance philosophy; replacing line-of-sight management with trust – and education; the upending of the meaning of friendships; learning how to reconcile new concepts of individualism with collaboration and team-work – and short-term needs with longer-term relationships.
All these – and more – are full of challenges and opportunities.
Better Comes Next – is Working Free’s collaborative Mission. Let us take you there through our comprehensive and practical Pathfinder Programme. We see our relationships with clients as bespoke, continuous and integral to our Client’s relationships with their own growing people diasporas
Diaspora Business Networks – Is this the coming Business Model? Read More ….
Better comes Next!
WorkingFree is a specialist career advisory business supporting organisations and their senior Director-level executives coming off the permanent payroll into an independent working lifestyle. 08081 565604 – 07785 297059. .Working Free Limited is a company registered in England and Wales. Regd number: 08963376. Regd Office: 45 Pall Mall, London. SW1Y 5JG. C. Working Free Ltd. 1.4.22